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 {LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month

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Number of posts : 119
Age : 41
Registration date : 2007-07-03

{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Empty
PostSubject: {LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month   {LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Icon_minitimeWed 24 Jun 2009, 4:24 pm

WoW pretty krazy month for me, besides getting really fuck up for my bday on the 13th, and lost like $450 at the Casino. I got Purple, Brown & Blackbelt Quest done in 4 days and got Shura Togi.. Today was even BETTER, after months of camping, finally got V.Belt!!!

Itaku for camping 1 day.
Marlborolites for camping the past 1 1/2 weeks
Charliekun, Jickler & Sang for helping on and off.
And mainly Poch helping me camp for the pass months or years? haha
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2018
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2019

Charliekun & Billeus helping me with Turtle.
Charliekun, Pochakachu & Marlborolites with Behemoth.
Armada selling me Wyrm Beard for 1mil.
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2020
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2021
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2022
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2027

Brown Belt:
Marlborolites helping with Deadly Dodo & Morbolger.
Marlborolites for killing Nue PH and me coming there and seen it up Smile
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2025
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2026

Purple Belt:
Marlborolites helping with Lumbering Horn
Charliekun helping with Rampaging Horn.
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2023
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2024

Shura Togi:
After camping Kirin for days, thanks this nice JP group for selling me the D.Abj Body for 1.5mil.
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2028
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2029
{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month Img_2030
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{LS} June 09 - Shinkai aka Sky's Krazy Month
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