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 {NM}7/28/07 Simurgh

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Number of posts : 679
Registration date : 2007-07-06

{NM}7/28/07 Simurgh Empty
PostSubject: {NM}7/28/07 Simurgh   {NM}7/28/07 Simurgh Icon_minitimeSun 29 Jul 2007, 11:57 am

Simurgh is a Bird type NM that pops in Rolanberry Field.
I got claim of Simurgh today.

The main gear that we want from him is the Trotter's Boots.

{NM}7/28/07 Simurgh Trotte10

Here is a SS of us fighting Simurgh.
{NM}7/28/07 Simurgh Simurg10

Here is a SS of our drops.

{NM}7/28/07 Simurgh Simurg15

Here is a SS of our group that killed Simurgh.
{NM}7/28/07 Simurgh Simurg12
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{NM}7/28/07 Simurgh
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