Good job! We went 3/3 on Bomb Queen. Congratulations to Itaku, Cerpintaxt, and Shinkai on getting Bomb Queen Ring. Congratulations to Hieuston on Avengers as well.
|Lineup:NobelNIN/WAR, PochakachuBRD/WHM, ItakuPLD/WAR, DakilarBLM/WHM, JicklerRDM/BLM, ShinkaiSAM/WAR, HieustonMNK/NIN, RideaTHF/NIN, CerpintaxtRDM/WHM, LynkynRDM/WHM, FaliamarWHM/BLM|
Enter through Ifrit's Cauldron...
How is it possible to be so close to freaking lava? ~Barfira~
With a few deaths, we made it to the Bomb
pop area. This place hurts the eyes. Don't look at it too long. We owned that with no deaths...
~Yawn~ Thank you for coming out to help. Keep up the good work!